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Who we are

Portfolio of 150+ APIs

Portfolio of 150+ APIs

Global manufacturing network of 8 sites

Global manufacturing network of 8 sites

Strong R&D capabilities

Strong R&D capabilities

Our Therapeutic Categories

Re-imagine API sourcing with XCEED

Dr. Reddy’s Customer Engagement Platform


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Meet with our product experts in one-on-one virtual sessions

Our experts will answer your questions, provide advice, and help you understand our product better

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About Dr. Reddy's API

(Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Manufacturer and Supplier)

Dr. Reddy's API business supplies high-quality, affordable APIs to leading generic formulations manufacturers and is the preferred API partner to pharma companies worldwide. Dr. Reddy's API business thrives on the deep technical strengths proven over the last three decades in developing and manufacturing complex APIs.

We focus our work on being first to market with products that are difficult to make. We follow the latest quality, safety, and productivity standards as per the ever-growing market needs. The success of our research organization is testimony to the fact that we have over 180+ active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), 170+ ANDAs, over 1800+ DMFs, and 86 patents filed in the last five years.


No information in this catalog - including any reference to any product or service - constitutes an offer for sale, or be construed as representing an offer for sale. Products protected under valid patents are not offered or supplied for commercial use. However, the research quantities of such products may be offered for the purpose of regulatory submissions, wherever such regulatory exemptions exist. The buyers should make their independent evaluation of the patent scenario for their respective markets and will be responsible for all patent related liabilities. Products protected under valid patents in India are not available for commercial use but would be available for Section 107A purposes.



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